Saturday, June 26, 2010

What can I do to avoid getting acne or breakouts without having to buy any expensive things?

Well you've probably heard this all before but its the same as always really:

1) Get lots of sleep.

It helps you renew skins and keeps in fresh. It also erradicated dark circles and blotchy patches

2) Wash your face regularly to get rid of dirt and keep it fresh. Use warm water

3) Drink lots of water, it washes out your skin, keeps it clear and leaves you glowing.

4) Get some vitamin C, such as oranges or lemons, basically citrusy stuff. It clears away bacteria and again, for some reason keeps your skin really clear.

5) Calcium like milk does the same

6) And lastly dont use loads of products on your skin, maybe one or two and not everyday, most are very harsh and can damage your skin and make it greasy or dry, its best to keep it natural

Hope this helped :)What can I do to avoid getting acne or breakouts without having to buy any expensive things?
wash your face with warm water and soap.What can I do to avoid getting acne or breakouts without having to buy any expensive things?
Make sure you're removing your makeup before bed, and buy some inexpensive face cleanser.. like neutrogena or something similar. Also, be sure to moisturize.
I would also be aware of what you are eating and drinking. Sometimes eating or drinking very acidic foods can cause breakouts, chocolate can also cause breakouts in some people.
I use clean and smooth and love i haven't had a break out since Dec. It is 27.00 w/ shipping but will easily last 3 months. Get it from ebay. Before this I had tried everything even proactiv. The other thing that helped alot was oatmeal soap (walgreens $3.00) and tea trea oil at night(walmart in the viataim section $5.00)
If you wash your face every night before bed that will help clean your pores out. Also, remember to not put your hands on your face. I used to have the same problem, and now that I wash my face every night I don't have much of an issue. Your age may have something to do with it also. St.Ives products are affordable, and work well.
wash your face with warm water %26amp; mild soap twice a day
do not use soap, it clogs up pores and also makes skin dry.

eat plently of fruit and veg and drink lots or water. Also dont eat too much chocolate.

i have the same problem and i find this helps.
wash your face with soap! however if u have acne problems u should visit your beautician once a month for acne treatment:)

What is the best way to treat Acne?

What is the best, healthy and economic way of treating Acne problems when you are 19?

I'm Vegetarian i and i always eat healthy food so i know for sure the problem doesn't have to do with anything i eat or don't eat.

I think my problem is hormonal.

What is the best way to treat the problem?What is the best way to treat Acne?
i had acne and i tried everything from clearasil to proactiv and nothing worked, i mean, it would go for a week or two and then come back as bad as ever. so i went to my GP and they prescribed me with Zineryt. it is actually the ONLY thing which has ever properly worked, i've been using it for just under a year now and i have no spots or blemishes, although i do have dry skin but daily moisturising does the trick.

don't hesitate to see your doctor or gp because once you get a prescription that's right for you, you're skin will be clear for the rest of your life :)

good luckWhat is the best way to treat Acne?
for just one or two acne spots i use a little toothpaste and it makes them dry out.
one piece of advice PRO ACTIVE!!
if you have health insurance, see a dermatologist.
NOT proactive...go see a dermatologist
Drink plenty of water.

Use acne cream with benzoyl peroxide for on the spot treatment (on existing acne)

Use cleanser, moisturizer containing salicylic acid for preventative maintenance.

Toners with witch hazel and tea tree (antiseptic) are also good for keeping pores clean.

These items can all be purchased for less then $10.00
To get rid of acne. Try a gentle cleanser. One that is glycerin or sorbitol based will be good and it does not need to be expensive. Cetaphil and Neutrogena has some pretty good ones. Try Cetaphil庐 Gentle Skin Cleanser.

Wash your face at least twice a day and everytime after you perspire. If your skin is the oily kind, you do not need to apply any moisturizer, your skin oils are enough to keep it hydrated. If you really must apply a gentle light oil free one. Cetaphil庐 Daily Facial Moisturizer SPF 15 or Cetaphil庐 Moisturizing Lotion is quite good

Apply pimple cream to the acne area. Try benzoyl peroxide low strength(2.5%) first. You can try oxy, panoxyl or Neutrogena brands. Neutrogena on-the-spot is pretty good. Don't pick poke scrub or pop your pimples unless you want scars which are really ugly. Scrubbing cleansers or washes are also no-nos because it equals picking and poking and makes acne worse Treated pimples gently.

Eat healthy. Make sure you drink plenty of water. Cut down on sugar and carb intake. Foods like chocolates, coffee, soda drinks, bread, rice potatoes or anything starchy and sugary are no-nos. Cut down on oily and fried foods also. Go for grilled, steamed or baked food. Make sure you eat lots of fruits and vegetables. Ensure that your diet is rich in vitamin A, B5, C, E and Omega-3 which are important for the skin. Less stress and sleeping enough is also important. Not having enough sleep is like putting stress on your body. Makes sure you sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Visit a dermatologist if it doesn't work or worsen. Products can only help that much. You may need to tackle the problem internally with medication.
The Acne CureSheet is a quick, easy and effective acne treatment.Log on to for a few home made tips to heal acne .
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  • Foods to eat when trying to prevent acne?

    I'm currently using proactiv to treat my acne. It's working, but very slowly. Now I'm thinking I want to choose what to eat much more carefully.

    I'm trying to avoid oily foods and sweet things. But what foods SHOULD I eat? Fruits? Vegetables? Any vitamins that I should take?Foods to eat when trying to prevent acne?
    Include green leafy vegetables and fruits in your diet. Drink a lot of water regularly to flush out toxins. Avoid deep fried snacks.Hope this link helps with more remedies .Foods to eat when trying to prevent acne?
    read tips on treating acne, skincare, home remedies and healthier eating on this site
    Leafy vegetables, and specially radish is good.
    I have a theory now it is just my theory and no one else's. I think that you naturally have oily skin. If you do then you need to wash your face with plain soap and water everyday several times a day. You see my son has started to get acne too and I was looking at his skin and it seemed to me to be very oily so I started him on the process of washing it several times a day and it has improved but he is young and does not like to work that hard at things so we get a few break outs and I get on to him about his washing habits. You see it isn't that he is dirty or even his face its just that washing the face will help dry out the oils and prevent your breakouts. Just a theory, hope this helped.

    Does Acne get worse before getting better?

    I have really bad acnce so I started taking proactive. Since I have started using it, my acne has doubled. Is this a normal process in all acne treatment?Does Acne get worse before getting better?
    Yes, with Proactiv that is very normal. The way that it works is that while you have the acne that you see on your skin, there is another cycle of acne building up. All of that dirt, oil, and bacteria festers in your skin for along time before going to the surface in the form of acne. What Proactiv will do is pull all of that to the surface, so your next couple of months of acne all come out at once. Since there is nothing left building in the skin, after that clears up there is nothing more to break you out. So if you keep up with good maintnence and care, your skin should stay clear. That is why it tells you to wait 6-8 weeks for optimal results. Good luck!Does Acne get worse before getting better?
    this is TOTALLY normal!! so dont worry (:! what is happening is that the acne system is bringing up the nasty dirt from your pores. it is on the top of your skin so you will get a break out. but soon the break out will go away

    this happened with my friend and i using acne free too!

    hope this helps! (:
    try milk and lemon this really works i have tried it!! it will smell abit but do u want a clear face or not?

    first put one spoon of milk and then hafe of the lemon and mix well, use a cotton wool to apply on your face . put this at night before u go to bed or u can let it dry and wash it off.....

    i hope this works 4 u :)
    not sure about this but if you are looking for an alternative solution...

    i went to the doctor about my acne and she advised me to change my shampoo to a mild one and gave me a treatment called zineyrt

    since then my acne has completely gone

    :D yay me !

    Yay you if you do the same!

    YAY US!
    Any time you start a new skin care system you will have some breakouts. If you were not using anything but soap and water before the proactive will bring imputities that were deep in the skin to the surface resulting in more blemishes. I will tell you however that proactive can be very harsh and drying to the skin with regular use.
    yes it is called purging.

    After you unclog your pores where the hell do you think it goes? It is really normal especially after starting a new regimen.

    Is clearasil Ultra gel wash a good acne cream?

    I have been using it for a while now i have gotten results but there not the results i have been looking for.Is clearasil Ultra gel wash a good acne cream?
    for acne,fair complexion,tanning,sunburn,marks,

    spots,make up tips,hair issues n other skin n hair problems

    u can refer to dis website

    it has got so many tips n free beauty samples

    for curing acne and all your skin problems

    Should I buy clearasil pads to treat acne? Or should I but something else?

    I have been reading some reviews lately saying clearasil pads work, or they make it worse.

    My question is, should I buy it or not. If not, what should I buy?(Tell me a place where I could buy it at like a local store,walmart,walgreens,etc)

    I have been told to buy this thing called ';panoxyl 5% gel'; but I heard some bad stuff if it touches other parts then just skin.Should I buy clearasil pads to treat acne? Or should I but something else?
    they make them worse. try this.

    You should give tea tree oil a shot. I had mild acne for a while and even tho I washed my face every night I still had acne. So I used tea tree oil and within a week my acne was pretty much gone except for a few spots here and there, which will fade soon too.

    Tea tree oil can be used for any skin type even if you have very sensitive skin. And in that case I would dilute the oil with either water or aloe vera gel, which you can get at any drug store.

    There are only two downsides to tea tree oil and that is that the smell is pretty strong, and it can dry out your skin a little, which can be taken care of by using a moisturizer.

    The oil can be found in any drugstore/grocery store/health store in the same isle as the finger nail polish remover for about $6. There are many different kinds but you can get whatever brand as long as it says 100% tea tree oil.

    I would recommend putting it on at night before you go to sleep.

    If you have any more questions there are many websites about this product, or feel free to ask me.Should I buy clearasil pads to treat acne? Or should I but something else?
    Hey! why dont you try out these simple homemade recipes, try your luck hopefully they'll work out (inshallah- if god wants)


    take a Cauliflower and squeeze and drain its juice then apply the juice on the acne

    THE NEXT RECIPE: take 1/3 cup cocoa ,

    3 tsp of heavy cream ,

    1/3 cup of ripe papaya,

    ? Cup honey ,

    3 tsp of oatmeal powder ,

    Mix cocoa and heavy cream in a container. Add the ripe papaya and continue stirring with honey. Mix them thoroughly and add the oatmeal powder. Continue Stirring until it will turn into thick creamy paste. Apply on the acne. Rinse with lukewarm water. It is safe to do this everyday or use this alternately.

    wish you good luck!
    this is only if you have really bad acne. i was lucky but my brother wasn;t at all. he had REALLY bad acne. if you ask a dermatolygyst about acutaine (spelled wrong most likely) it works and you face wont have NOT ONE break out. but its strong and you need a presciption. ----i hope i helped.
    Use a dab of toothpaste on the offending blemish. Put it on right before you go to bed, and the blemish will be at least 75% to 95% gone by morning.
    Okay For me i didn't like clearasil but I have used Proactive and it worked GREAT then I bought the Nuetragena Wave and I loved That!So Everyday I use ProActiv Once then use the Wave Everyday Morning and Night!
    I love clearasil! All of their products work so amazingly! I would pair the pads with the 4 step kit.. You need to toner and the moisturizer for really great skin!
    i dont think clearisil or anything like that should try pro-active...its very good and works brilliantly!! good luck...

    What product should i use for forehead acne?

    i have tiny skin colored zits all over my forehead. i have oily skin and i have no idea what product to try. i use the neutrogena deep clean invogorating the stuff inside the bottle is blue. but i havent seen any changes and i feel like i'm never gonna find the right product. please help and please dont write 'go to the dermatologist' cause i cant. thanks in advance!What product should i use for forehead acne?
    I have the same problem. I have tons of tiny acne on my forehead. :(

    I use Clearasil, Noxima, and Clean and Clear.

    Clean and Clear works the best for my forehead and my nose (XD, yes, it's like a volcano there). I use Clearasil to rinse off my entire face, and Noxima for pimples that don't disappear. :)

    Good luck! :)What product should i use for forehead acne?
    First read this.鈥?/a>

    There are many medicated acne lotions available over-the-counter without a prescription. Find one that contains Benzoyl Peroxide. Benzoyl Peroxide kills the bacteria that causes acne. It can bleach certain fabrics, so make sure that it has fully absorbed into your skin before getting dressed.

    If you have severe forehead acne, standard over-the-counter medications may not be enough. You may want to see a dermatologist, who will prescribe antibiotics to kill the Propionibacterium acne bacteria. There are topical antibiotics and stronger oral ones. They are extremely effective, but may also have unintended side effects. Some people experience severe allergic reactions including rashes and fever.

    I Use This Stuff Called, ';Clearasil 4 Hours'; And It Does Amazing Work.

    I Put It On My Whole Face, Like A Lotion, And It Makes My Face Very Smooth And Super Clear. If You Have Acne, It Gets Rid of It In A Little Less Than 4 Hours

    I Use It 3-5 Times A Day
    Try neutrogena deep clean creme cleanser. The stuff in the bottle is white. Also, something that might be causing the zits is hairspray or hair products.
    here are some remedies to treat acne:鈥?/a>
    clean and clear it works my sister has it and work and so dose the wave they both work alot
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