Saturday, June 26, 2010

How can i get rid of my acne, quick?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

i'm breaking out between my eyes really bad and it won't go away, how can i make it stop?How can i get rid of my acne, quick?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
You can try Pro-Active it works for some but not all.


1.) The key is to not overly-dry your skin by over-washing it. It's not dirty, it doesn't need to constantly be washed abrasively, once in the morning and once at night before bed to remove your makeup is enough.

2.) You can use sugar and olive-oil as exfolient, lightly rub in small circles.

3.) Use hypo-allerginic makeup. Make sure you don't keep makeup or use makeup older than it's lifespan use, this is to avoid bacteria that can irritate the skin.

4.)Do not use abrassive or harsh chemicals or products, and don't pick at your blemishes.

5.) Use products specifically with at least 5% Salicylic-Acid, Beta-Hydroy, and Alpha-hydroxy.

6.) Remember, Moisturize and Moisturize.

Also, relieve stress in your life, and change your diet, try acupuncture. Acne is caused by the effects of hormones on sebaceous glands. Alot of times, Acne can be hormonal and caused by stress or by something your un-concientiously allergic to.How can i get rid of my acne, quick?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Acne has many sources, so there is not just one answer. The best option for you right now is to go to a dermatologist (a doctor for the skin) which will identify precisely why do you have acne.

However the doctor might not be particularly helpful in helping you treat it. The issue is that acne comes in most cases (but not all of them) from:

1) hormonal changes, meaning when you're a teenager you get new hormons in your blood and those cause acne. If this is the case the doctor is your best option (but it doesn't mean he will be able to help you. not every case is treatable!)

2) dirty skin. You might not realize it but your skin is incredibly dirty (everyone's skin is), rich with a fauna of microorganisms and bacteria. The skin is the body's protection against outside dirt and infections. in this cause a beautician is your best option. He/she might give good advice on how to clean your skin and eventually get rid of the acne.

3) unbalanced diet. You might not be eating your fruit, vegetables etc. for this you can ask advice to a dietologist. if you don't eat pproperly (e.g. too much fat, salty food and sweets), your body is not going to be able to get rid of these ';eccessive stuff';, so it comes out of the skin in the weakest part (your face: the only part of your skin exposed to light, wind, rain etc. 24/7!!!).

problem with doctors: they are supposed to be experts, but not always are, and not always care (some of them only care that you pay the bill).

My advice? well, i personally don't have problem with my skin, but my mother was a nurse, so I got to choose and pick good doctors. Also my family come from a long line of chefs, and therefore my diet is always properly balanced. On top of that my wife is a make-up artist, and therefore i get good advice about how to take care of my skin (even when I don't ask them).

in your case what you say sounds like you might not have acne but a bad case of rashes, or a allergy. in that case definitively the dermatologist! (that's still my best option).

but if this has been going on for a while (e.g. six or more months)

then check also your diet.

a good company for dietary supplements,vitamins and skin-care products without preservatives inside is called USANA. You can check it out if you want. It's the best in the world as for product quality, but its product do not come cheap. But then again, it's your health!

Take care.

Here is the deal with it. It is a natural antibiotic ointment that quickly dried up acne with natural ingredients. You can get it alone. or part of some mole removing kit.

The web site is

Here is some info about the ointment and what it is made of...


Calendula is included in NeoBiotic to disinfect minor wounds and to treat infections of the skin. The antibacterial and immuno-stimulant properties of the plant make it extremely useful in treating slow-healing cuts and cuts in people who have compromised immune systems. The herb stimulates the production of collagen at wound sites and minimizes scarring.

Comfrey - FOR PAIN %26amp; SWELLING:

Over 300 participants showed that comfrey leaf treatments like Neobiotic were very effective in treating eczema, dermatitis, viral skin infections and ulcers of the lower leg. More recent research has shown that allantoin, one of comfrey's main constituents, breaks down red blood cells, which could account for its ability to help heal bruises and contusions.

Comfrey should also not be used by pregnant or nursing women.


Plantain has been used as a veritable pharmacopoeia in some Native American cultures. Many of its active constituents show antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, as well as being anti-inflammatory and antitoxic. The leaves, shredded or chewed, are a traditional treatment for insect and animal bites * the antibacterial action helps prevent infection and the anti-inflammatory relieves pain, burning and itching.

St. Johns Wort - FOR PAIN RELIEF:

St. John's wort as a whole herb gives the body ';just enough medicine'; to overcome the physical aches and pains and mild viral infections that keep the brain from recovering from depression. Nineteenth century Eclectic physicians in the United States used St. John's wort to relieve pain caused by injuries to the spine and puncture wounds in the hands and feet.

St. John's Wort extracts may increase sensitivity to sunlight and risk of sunburn, but this is extremely rare when the whole herb is used.
I found this Neobiotic stuff from my friend and it works great on those huge painful zits. It is at a site: - All natural pain reliever, and pimple med in one. Works great, reducing swelling, redness, and dry it up in hours.
marykay is the best! but also ive heard that proactive works great. but i know from experience that marykay is awsome.
There are many cheap and effective home remedies for acne. Tomato slices, turmeric, papaya juices and home made face packs will treat existing pimples and prevent further problems. More remedies at
Calcium sulphate. You can get it from a health food shop or a chemist. Blackmores used to make it in a thing called Celloid Tissue Salts, which are now supposedly only available through naturopaths. There are other manufacturers, depending on where you live.

I know it's a misery, but it's potentially trouble, too. If it's severe, you might need to see a doctor, maybe even a dermatologist. These things can get infected, so be careful.
read tips on treating acne, skincare and home remedies to help you better on this site
It'll go away by itself.

Well, first off: DON'T TOUCH IT! That only makes it worse. There are some kinds of medicine that you can buy that have ingredients that can help decrease any redness, and some face washes that work really well.

I would reccommend anything that is Neutrogena, and I find that Johnson %26amp;Johnson babywash can help clear up your face well too. Make sure you wash your face at least twice a day: when you wake up and before you go to bed.

There is NOT a magic cure for this, so give it sometime.
The best way to get clear skin is to see a DERMATOLOGIST for there are very effective presciption medications to combat Acne one being Retina A(over the counter is waste of money for strength not enough in the products -to do any good has to be strength that a prescription is needed to get)If you have hair hanging down into your eyes-keep off the forehead,place where acne is and keep hair clean for oil/bacateria from hair cn get on skin and cause acne. Also get some BROWN VINEGAR-the kind you can get at any health food store and Kroger.Publix-still has all the minerals,esp potassium in it-white has 0 in it so not effective. Dab the brown vinegar on the Acne and leave it on. The B.Vinegar kills Bacteria, dries up excess oil-if the pores are clear of excess oil and Bacteria the eventually acne will clear up for the reasons for it will no longer be there for it to form.Important skin be clean-wash with DOVE and after washing in the AM and the PM with Dove, follow by dabbing on with cotton pad WITCH HAZEL-also can find any health food store Witch Hael is a natural astringent that will keep skin free from excess oil and bacteria(Cannot use the Brown Vinegar twice daily for will dry skin) but the Witch Hazel will not dry esp if you can get the kind with no Alcohol but with Aloe Vera(aloe vera heals inflamed skin %26amp; provides moisture.)The Vinegar use on the Acne until it is gone then switch to the Witch Hazel. If you sweat esp fro head/hair and it dries on the forehead-always 1st opportunity wsh with dove and then with the Brown Vinegar for the sweat if left on the skin forms bacteria and then acne. Whenever I workout/jog etc will once I get home-Dilute @ tablespoons B.Vinegar in 1 cuo warm water and pour over my hair esp making sure I saturate the scalp an dab on the forehead and esp behind the ears-dandruff is caused by a virus not dry skin as once thought-Brown Vinegar kills viruses , bacteria on the skin and also returns skin to normal PH level. Folow my Instructions and within 2 weeks you'll see much improved skin.
this may sound stupid but toothpast works really good. not the gel kind but the pasty kind. also clean and clear has an excellent line of different washes %26amp; 24 hour redness remover products to get rid of that zit and hopefully prevent more to come.

good luck!
for some reason, when my sisters went away to college and all that was left in the shower was a bar of ivory soap, I used it and my acne went away. I hope this helps.
If you ask, How can I get rid of my acne? without the word ';quick'; complementing the rest of the question, there could be an answer.

The body does not do ';quick.'; It prefers deliberations; that is, the fitness of time...

A good suggestion would be to see a physician, a dermatologist (M.D) -- or Naturopathic Physician (N.D.) -- or a Nutritionist (R.D.).

Acne derives from many causes; some might be centered in the endocrine system (hormonal); some might be due to the liver needing certain nutrients or has certain toxins or imbalances, which is probably true for the majority of Americans...with the dreadful diets we have, really dreadful in terms of all the chemicals and toxins we take in from the foods we eat...

You will observe -- if you look closely -- that the people of developing countries or poor countries have little if any acne problems. They simply do not eat the poisons we eat.

Oh, yes, they may indeed have little to eat, but what they do eat most often tends to be very simple, untampered-with foods. And thus the liver is not so readily assaulted. Their skins are smooth.

However, if you can afford to see a dermatologist as a first step, then do so...

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