Thursday, June 24, 2010

How can I get rid of acne scars FAST??

I want to get rid of all my acne scars before prom (Apr. 25) but i have sensitive skin so i cant use any scar remover that will make me break out even more. Any ideas?How can I get rid of acne scars FAST??

Cost: Up to $1000 per treatment.

Procedure: Subcision is a treatment where the upper layer of skin is detached from the deeper tissue, allowing blood to flood into the opening and raise the skin in the treated areas. This is usually used to treat shallow and rolling scars and often requires multiple treatments.

Punch Treatments

Cost: $50-$150 per treatment.

Procedure 1 - Punch Replacement: This method involves physically cutting out the entire scar and replacing it with a skin graft.

Procedure 2 - Punch Excision: This method involves physically cutting out the entire scar and then stretching the surrounding skin closed around the wound and letting it heal, thus avoiding the need for a skin graft.

Procedure 3 - Punch Elevation: This method is similar to subcision; it involves cutting the scar loose from the deeper tissue below it and then letting it heal. This usually results in the treated area elevating slightly, which can diminish the appearance of certain types of scarring.

Chemical Peels

Cost: $600-$800 per treatment.

Procedure: One of many different types of acid is applied to the skin, allowed to sit for a period of time and then removed. The acid removes the top-most layer of skin. This usually results in a slightly smoother end result and is helpful for very mild scarring.


Cost: $1200-$2000 per treatment.

Procedure: Dermabrasion (not to be confused with microdermabrasion) is a process where the top-most layer of skin is removed mechanically. The skin to be treated is first numbed, and then a rotating abrasive disk is used to ‘sand’ off the top-most layer of skin. This is a painful procedure and does require some down time. Many people who have tried this approach have found that it provides only short-term results, and that the scars do grow back over time.

Laser Resurfacing

Cost: $2500+ per treatment.

Procedure: This is very similar to dermabrasion in that it involves physically removing the upper-most layer of skin to achieve a smoother effect – but instead of abrasive disks or pads, lasers are used. This is very expensive and the results appear to be very similar to those reported by people who have undergone dermabrasion – the scars can return. has started collecting people’s experiences with the above treatments. If you are considering any of them, you should definitely check them out here:’s Acne scar treatments section.

Acne Scar Creams

There is certainly no shortage of creams and balms that claim to cure everything from impotence to scarring, but do they work? Most of the reports we have found say “no”, however there are always a few who claim success with these methods, so here is a list of the ones we have found that have had at least one reported success story associated with them (and we only found two!).

Creams containing cocoa butter and vitamin E help keep your skin soft, elastic and healthy. Regular use of such creams may help scars diminish naturally over time. We would recommend combining this with an overall healthy lifestyle.

Apply a 3x solution of medical-grade hydrofluoric acid (or a product which contains it) to the scarred area twice daily for one to two weeks. Do this ONLY under the supervision of your dermatologist because this CAN damage your skin.How can I get rid of acne scars FAST??
Well as I found many important details about PIMPLES, ACNE, OILY SKIN, DRY SKIN and SCAR'S ON FACE, BLACKHEADS, WHITEHEADS and many Tips also. Many treatments methods, So make some time and look into this site I, am sure that you will find many useful informations, Enjoy bookmark this site for comming back to it.
I would recommend visiting your dermatologist for a prescription. Laser surgery is an option, but it is expensive and can take a while to work. Other than that, use make up and don't worry too much. Most proms have professional photographers that will retouch your photos.
do not use any acne creams frequently

apply honey of 3spoons once a day and cut slices of green apple and massage for 15 mins and wait for 15 mins twice a day

you will get best result within april25

mail me after 3 days if no result

i will tell you another home maid receipe
ok well this is what i do.go on-line an dsearch up beauty control and search up cream for scars and it will give you a few.but when you order it it might take about 2 weeks.the results will start appering in like a month or 5 weeks
if you put a little tripple antibiotic on it it should help put it on before bed! hope it helps.

p.s. hope you have a great time at prom...
there are other acne products that removes acne scars and is specifically designed for it.
cocoa butter!
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